While metal roofing is known for its durability and longevity, there are situations where repairs may be necessary. Some of the Broomfield metal roofing issues require an expert’s touch to ensure proper and lasting solutions. Here are common metal roofing problems that may require professional attention:

Leaking Seams

Issue: Leaks around seams can occur due to improper installation or damage.

Expert’s Touch: Identifying and repairing leaking seams may involve disassembling sections of the roof, applying sealant or new flashing, and reassembling the roofing system. Proper diagnosis and repair require experience with metal roofing systems.

Fastener Issues

Issue: Loose or missing fasteners can lead to water infiltration and compromised structural integrity.

Expert’s Touch: Replacing or tightening fasteners requires knowledge of the specific metal roof system in place. Incorrect fastener installation can lead to further damage, making professional expertise essential.


Issue: Over time, metal roofs may develop corrosion, particularly in coastal areas or environments with high humidity.

Expert’s Touch: Repairing corrosion involves cleaning affected areas, treating the metal, and applying protective coatings. Professionals can assess the extent of corrosion and apply appropriate solutions.

Punctures or Tears

Issue: Impact from falling branches, hail, or other debris can cause punctures or tears in metal roofing.

Expert’s Touch: Repairing punctures involves carefully sealing and patching affected areas. Professionals can assess the damage and determine the most suitable repair methods to maintain the roof’s integrity.